1. Cleaning solutions, where used, will have been mixed thoroughly and in the proportions specified without undue spillage of either solution or rinse water.
2. Proper precautions will have been taken to advise building occupants of wet and/or slippery floor conditions.
3. The space to be mopped will have been properly prepared for the mopping operation by sweeping the floor area as necessary and otherwise clearing of visible debris.
1. The mopping work will have been performed in such manner as to properly clean the floor surface; care is to be taken to see that the correct type and mixture of cleaning solution, if required, has been used. Proper extraction methods will be used to eliminate residue buildup in seams and discoloring of grout.
2. All mopped areas will be clean and free from dirt, streaks, mop marks, and strands, etc.; properly rinsed, if required, and dry mopped for an overall appearance of cleanliness.
3. Walls, baseboards, and other surfaces will be free of watermarks, scars, or marks form the cleaning equipment striking the surfaces and splashing from the cleaning solution and rinse water.
4. Care will have been taken throughout the mopping operation to prevent the liquids and equipment from coming into contact with electric outlets located in the floor areas or baseboards.
Furniture Arrangements
1. All rug edges will be replaced to their proper position.
2. All moved items of furniture and office equipment will be returned to their original positions.
3. Care will have been exercised to avoid damage to building and/or office equipment during movement of the furniture, etc.